Friday, April 27, 2012
I think I'll stick to splurging on shoes...
Yesterday was nuts. Work was crazy. After work, I took the Terror to her anger management class (dog obedience), I did a Zumba medium intensity mid-length class, went hunting for hat supplies, and went to Wholefoods with the roomie. By the time we got done at Wholefoods, it was 8:00, and I didn't feel like going home, making a meal and eating at 9:00 or 9:30, so we stopped at Long John Silver's. I was really looking forward to the greasy chicken-y goodness that is LJS chicken planks. I substituted corn on the cob for fries and ignored my coleslaw as though it were the plague in the hopes of making the meal a little less horrific nutritionally.
When we got home, it was just wonderful as I imagined it would be. However, 45 minutes later, I was hating myself. I had intestinal cramps for the first time in recent memory. I felt horrible all evening. For me, it just hit home how much I don't need that crap in my body. I'm good with the foods I've been eating. I have more energy, and I'm in a better mindset. I think I'll just stick with it and not splurge anymore.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Zumba Fever!
He's been such a trooper! He's been doing Zumba for all of four days, but he is right there beside me during my mid-length class (11 songs). And for someone who doesn't have my background in dance, he is holding his own!
So, why all the fuss about Zumba? For me, it's fun. The sets are dynamic enough to keep me interested. While I may swear at various instructors because they do complicated moves unavailable in tutorial mode, I can hold my own quite well. If an activity can't keep me engaged, I'm not going to do it. With Zumba: Rush for Xbox Kinect, you don't really have any idea what songs are in the classes you pick, because there is no set list.
Zumba articles: - This is a great testimonial!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Eating organic...
I've been eating mostly organic produce for a little over a year now, and I can definitely tell when I'm eating organic produce vs non-organic. I love bell peppers. I will eat a whole red bell pepper over the course of a day. I went with my mom to Sam's a couple of weeks ago and bought a bag of six Dole bell peppers (red, orange and yellow). I sliced them up to bring to work with me, and when I bit into them, I noticed a slight chemical taste. Not only that, but they lacked the overall flavor of the peppers I usually eat. Being used to the unhindered sweetness of the organic bell peppers I get from Wholefoods, I was slightly disappointed. In the end, I threw away the remaining three peppers, because they were just blah.
Why go organic? It's not just a earth loving, tree hugging hippie thing. I just like the way I feel when I am eating organic. I have more energy, my mind is clearer and more focused, and I tire less easily.
If you are considering going organic, here are some articles to help you get started:
Monday, April 23, 2012
What's healthy?
A coworker mentioned how foul my smoothie looked this morning. Granted, it is more puce than green, but I assured him it was very delicious and told him what was in it. Another coworker was walking through the office and (ever the one to put her opinion in when it is unsolicited) said, "Yeah, she's going to turn green." in her snotty way. What does that even mean? You are on a more restrictive diet than I am, lady. At least I can eat all of the things I love without sticking to only protein rich foods. Yes, protein is a staple of my diet, but I get to eat all of the foods you are depriving yourself of (with the exception of red meat, which unfortunately makes me very sick). I get to eat rice, bread and other carb-y foods. I just understand the concept of portion control.
She also injects herself with a pregnancy hormone in order to kick-start her weight loss. I know quite a few women who are doing this, and while they are seeing amazing results, I can't see how it can be completely healthy. For one, it's a hormone found in a pregnant woman's urine. Ew. Secondly, the diet requires that you eat 500 calories a day. o_O That's one third of the recommended daily intake for the average inactive female. One third! I couldn't subsist on 500 calories a day. I realize that the hCG suppresses your appetite, so you can get by on the 500 calories, but I don't see how consuming so few calories can provide you with enough energy to get through the day. Not to mention that the injections are expensive. What happens when you decide you can no longer afford them and the weight piles back on?
I understand the desire for a quick fix. I have often found myself staring at a sea of fabric, wishing my hats would make themselves. However, when it comes to losing weight, I don't think a quick fix is the way to go. It can't possibly be healthy. Modifying your diet by substituting lean, grilled meats for heavily breaded fried foods and fresh fruits and veggies for french fries and potato chips can go a long way. Figure out what an actual serving size is for the food in question and adhere to it. Add a 30 minutes of exercise of your choice to that three times a week, and you're on your way to a fitter you. You will see slower results, but at least you won't be starving yourself to get there. Then again, I'm not a nutritionist.
Articles about the hCG diet:
Today's Smoothie:
1/2 c Kefir
1/2 c Greek Yogurt
1 whole leaf green Swiss Chard
2 whole leaves Kale
1 c Spinach
1/2 c Pineapple
1/2 c Strawberries
1/4 c Wild Blueberries
1/4 Raspberries
4 Peach slices
Add honey to taste (I didn't today, but sometimes I need a sweet fix.)
Friday, April 20, 2012
Slug brain and Zombie girl
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Crabby girl is crabby
This change in habits only created a downward spiral. Not eating as well gave me less energy, which made me want to work out less. Working out less gave me less energy and resulted in me sitting on the couch playing video games for hours at a time. I became a lethargic, video game playing slug.
Just yesterday, I was sitting here eating a small portion of a giant shortbread cookie from Panera. I was just going to have a little of it and leave the rest for the rest of the week. Yeah, right. I started having a sugar craving and ate the whole thing in the space of a minute. I was left feeling more than a little disgusted with myself and completely unsatisfied.
When a sugar-craving hits all I can do is fixate on obtaining something sugary. If I know there are peanut M&Ms in the accounting office, it is darn near impossible to keep my behind in my seat. I walk back to accounting and just stare at the jug of peanut M&Ms longingly before I walk back to my office and sit back down. This dance continues for a good fifteen minutes before I am opening the container and digging out a handful of chocolatey, peanuty goodness. And perhaps I go back for a second handful.
I've gained six pounds since my plummet back to Earth. You may scoff at six pounds, but six pounds of fat (because it is certainly not muscle) on my frame is very noticeable. Again, I'm not saying I am fat. I am saying I put on six pounds of fat. I don't want to be an emaciated skeleton of a girl. I want to be me, with a little less jiggle in my wiggle. I am currently at the heaviest weight I've ever been, and I would feel better if I was at this weight with good muscle tone, rather than the wiggly, jiggly stuff that's going on right now. I like my booty. I even like my thighs. I just don't want the cellulite and pudge that goes along with them.
I never realize when I am jumping back on the no-sugar wagon until I start having crazy mood swings. I was a raging beast yesterday (at least in my head). I'm sure my Boston Terror thinks I'm a raving lunatic when we are home alone and I am growling and grumbling out loud to myself as I stuff things into the dishwasher or washing machine, slamming doors as I go. I paused yesterday, wondering why I was so crabby. It dawned on me that I had gone from eating a very sugary cream-filled donut or set of Twinkies for breakfast to eating a smoothie made with organic yogurt, kefir, fruits and veggies and a bit of honey. I was essentially cutting out my biggest sources of sugar.
Fortunately, I just started taking birth control again. At least my hormones are fairly regulated where as in my last battle with sugar, I was suffering from both hormone imbalance and withdrawal. What's super fun is that the roommate and I are both going through sugar withdrawal and are both fairly crabby. It makes things exciting around the house. According to the roommate, he's been stomping around his shop much like Godzilla, breathing fire on anyone who looks at him the wrong way. He didn't say that, exactly, but it's what I imagine it would be like.
My problem is this: Not only do I have to fight against cravings and food behaviors I've had since childhood, I also have to fight against my own personality traits. I get bored very easily. When I get bored, I switch focus. I can't get bored with this. If I want to feel better and have more energy, I have to follow through with this diet plan. Yes, I used the word "diet." I don't use the word "diet" in order to signify a way of eating that is depriving me of essential nutrients in order to lose weight. I use the word "diet" in that every one has a diet. If you have a diet of fast food and candy, that is still a diet. I just have to make that distinction, because people get the wrong idea if a thin girl uses the word "diet." Their minds immediately go to starvation diets. Nope. Not happening. I love food. I'm just going to start putting better foods in my body. Again. Oy.
Being an aspiring baker, this is going to be a monumental challenge. I don't generally binge on the sweets I bake, but a baker does need to make sure their creations are edible. According to the articles I've been reading, any bit of refined sugar can be detrimental to someone who is struggling to abstain from it.
I am going to research baking with raw sugar and honey rather than refined sugar. I may have to grind up the raw sugar to get it to the texture I would need for baking, but I would feel better about providing customers (and myself) with sweets that weren't full of refined sugar and empty calories.
Edit: I've been researching the differences between refined sugar and raw sugar. The sad thing is that the two don't seem to be very different at all. However, the sugar producers sure want you to think there is a difference. Raw sugar is less processed, but it is still processed. It is still stripped of its essential nutrients and results in empty calories. Boo.
Some reading material: - Another "evils of refined sugar" article. I'm not sure how much stock to put into it. The language used is very slanted. I need to find a good article from a neutral party. If anyone knows of any good articles, please leave the link in the comments. - How sugar is used in baking. Doesn't really go into processed vs raw sugar, but it is good information to further my understanding the science of baking. This is an excellent blog with ideas for sugar substitutions. Also very helpful for people who are trying to find packaged foods that do not use processed sugars. - No sugar sweets recipes!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Zumba: Rush
What I Liked:
In Zumba: Fitness, I couldn't distinguish my instructor's body parts. This made it extremely difficult and supremely frustrating while I was try to learn the dances. When the character was doing a more intricate move, I was not able to tell precisely what the legs were doing, because it was one big, orange blob. In Zumba: Rush, they took a page from the Dance Central game book and went with instructors that look like real people.
I get a calorie scorching workout! I can tell my heart rate is up, because I'm sweating like...something that sweats a lot. When I work out, I'm hard pressed to break a sweat, even in the dead of summer. It's just nice to know that they $50 I spent on a silly fitness game was actually money well spent.
Repetition. Many of the dances incorporate some of the same moves. They may not be in the same combinations, but at least you can identify a move and say, "Oh, hey! I've done that one before!"
It's fun! Even if I'm not doing so well on a dance, I'm still having fun. I laugh at myself all the time, because I know how ridiculous I must look flinging my arms and legs about like a flailing thing.
What I don't like:
I only have two problems with Zumba: Rush. The first is that the tutorial is lacking. It has a set of four tutorials, each with four basic moves. If you have ever done Zumba, you know that there is no Zumba dance in existence that contains only four moves. The four moves they give you are very basic, so when you get to a full song, you are completely unprepared for some of the off the wall moves they throw at you. If I did not have 16+ years of dance training, it would have been daunting. That's not say that the tutorial has not improved at all from Zumba: Fitness. In Fitness, even with my dance background, I wanted to throw my sneaker at the television. I knew very well that I was not performing the moves the way the AI was, but she kept telling me what a great job I was doing. It drove me batty. At least in Rush, they give you a rating of Nice, Hot! or ZUMBA depending on how well you are performing the moves.
The second problem is that there is no preparation before they launch you right into a song. During the song, a graphic pops up to notify you when they are changing from one combination of moves to the next. It would be very helpful if there was a graphic at the very beginning to tell you which move you were starting with. It gives the feeling that you are always fighting to catch up.
All in all, Zumba: Rush is a huge improvement over its predecessor. I am in love with it, and I burn far more calories in a 20 - 30 minute session than I would with Dance Central. Don't get me wrong, I still love Dance Central, but where it is a dance game, Zumba: Rush is a fitness program disguised as a dance game. I don't think I've sweat so much at one time. Ever. And that tells me that I'm getting a decent workout.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Green Smoothie...
An odd thing has occurred since I started Mononessa. Instead of my appetite increasing as most women have reported, my appetite has decreased. My roommate has noticed my dramatic decrease in appetite and expressed his concern that I was not getting enough nutrients. He suggested using Slimfast as a supplement. However, I remembered a recipe for a green smoothie that I had seen on Pinterest. I decided I would try it, since I have a fondness for the Naked Green Machine smoothie.
The roommate and I made a trip to Wholefoods and stocked up on green smoothie ingredients. Unfortunately, when I woke up this morning, I found that the link had been removed from Pinterest. Now, I had to wing it. Winging recipes always gives me a sense of trepidation, but I girded my loins and soldiered on.
1/4 c. organic kefir
1/4 c. organic Greek yogurt
1/2 c spinach leaves
2 large red chard leaves
3 stalks of kale (leaves only)
1/2 c. frozen pineapple
1/2 c. frozen strawberries
1 frozen or fresh banana cut into chunks
2 tbs honey (optional)
I mixed the kefir, yogurt and greens together in a blender and gradually added my fruits. The honey was the very last thing to go in, but I think it would have been just as good without it. Makes 2-3 8 oz servings.
The end result was a delicious smoothie that is good for breakfast on the go, or a replacement drink after a workout. At 133 calories per 8oz serving, this smoothie has a total of 1g of fat, 9g of protein, 79% of your vitamin A, and 98% of your vitamin C, this little smoothie packs quite a punch!
Monday, January 16, 2012
My Quest for the perfect (no) Sugar Cookie...
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Dance Central Rocks My Bod...
Friday, January 13, 2012
Your Shape: Fitness De-evolved
I was correct in my original assumption that there are no tutorials. I thought, "Surely, surely there is a tutorial hidden away somewhere, and I'm just not looking in the right spot." Nope. I looked up several reviews of the game today and that seemed to be a common complaint. Why, why, why if you have a game that is dependent on the accuracy of a person's movement and completion of specific exercises would you not have a tutorial section for each workout?! Not every person out there is going to just be able to see a move the couple of times the "coach" does it during the three second countdown and be able to perform the moves effectively. Some of these exercises could really hurt you if you're not executing them properly.
Another thing that bothers me is this: If half of the content has you facing away from the screen to perform the exercises, perhaps you need to have a graphic at the top of the screen that shows what the move is supposed to look like, but keep the person facing the screen. Or, oh, I don't know...SHOW THE PERSON WHAT THE HECK THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING BEFORE YOU THROW THEM TO THE WOLVES!!!!
And what is with the attitude I get when I walk away to get a glass of water? I kid you not, the chick says, "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" When I've just completed a portion of a workout that I was under-graded for because your system's interface can't read my body effectively, the last thing I want is sass from some snarky AI.
This could be a really great game once they get the interface figured out, but until then, I'm not going to bother with it anymore. Unfortunately, it will be going back to GameStop this weekend.
Lesson learned: Read reviews before investing in a game that might make you want to put a hand weight through your TV.
Your Shape 2012: Out of Shape...
In my quest for the perfect at home fitness routine, I exchanged Zumba Fitness for Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012, hoping it would be a better fit. It was. The first night was a challenge, because I had to figure out how everything worked. The Roommate got a kick out of it and has already threatened to record one of my workouts for YouTube. Why? Because I have taken to bickering and arguing with my "personal trainer" while huffing and puffing through my strength training interval workouts.. I'm sorry but when you say, "Let's do such and such," I am automatically going to hate you a little bit because you aren't doing a darned thing. I'm the one doing all the work, so you can cut that "we" crap right out.
As much as I bellyache about the trainer, it is nice to have her there coaching me on. She tells me when my arms aren't doing what they're supposed to and when my legs should be closer or further apart. She also tells me when I've gone out of rhythm with my "coach."
Things I have discovered about myself while playing Your Shape: 1.) I am more out of shape than I previously thought 2.) My "personal trainer" is trying to kill me. 3.) I hate interval workouts! Don't get me wrong. I will keep doing them, but I feel myself die a little more with every circuit. 4.) Push ups and fast mountain climb are the devil. I can do 12 once, but when I'm doing an interval workout and get to the second set, I need a break in the middle. I'm sure I've made more discoveries as I've gone along, but those are the ones that stand out the most.
As much as I pretend to hate the Your Shape, there are really only two problems I've found with it so far: 1.) There doesn't seem to be a tutorial where you can get the moves down before you have to perform them in an actual workout. 2.) The game isn't geared towards midget people who want to get in shape. One of the warm up activities is called "Wall Breaker." I love this! It's exactly what it sounds like. You break blocks to burn calories and earn points. On the medium setting, however, it want you to break the lower blocks by raising your knee across your body at a 45 degree angle. At 4'10", the game doesn't read my knee raises. This is easily corrected by just kicking out with my foot much like an Oompa Loompa or a member of the Lollipop Guild, but I feel I am missing out on what could be a decent workout for my oblique muscles. That is somewhat disappointing, but all of the other features make up for it.
My schedule has been insane this week, so I haven't been able to explore Your Fitness nearly as much as I would have liked, but that is the plan for this weekend. I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with JARVIS.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Neil Gaiman is my anti-drug
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Dancing Queen
The graphics for the game are fantastic. I haven't found it difficult to replicate the moves at all.
I like that there is a Fitness section that puts together song based on the type of workout you are looking for. My favorite part of the Fitness section is that is calculates the number of calories you burn while you're dancing. For someone with a nature as competitive as mine, this keeps me going and gives me a sense of accomplishment even when I don't make it to that fifth star--which I am proud to say is not that often!
On the downside of the Fitness portion, it is not continuous play. There is a pause after every song that evaluates your performance. I could do without that bit, but beggars can't be choosers, yeah?
The best part about Dance Central is that I get a dance class in my living room, and I don't have to deal with other people unless I invite them over to play! I can start up the game when I want to and stop when I want to and there was only a one-time cost. Beats the hell out of any recreational dance class I've ever had ;)
Monday, January 9, 2012
Light Bulb!
This got us talking about what it could be. Mom thinks that my fitness plan and my "new diet" is what is causing it. The thing is, I'm not dieting. I'm just choosing to put better foods into my body. I am taking in the amount of calories that is needed to maintain weight for someone my size. I'm being very careful about not depriving myself of food. I don't need to lose weight. I just don't want to keep putting crap into my body. I couldn't keep eating the way I was eating and expect my metabolism to keep up as it always had.
Frankly, I like the way I look. However, since I've crossed the threshold into my 30s, I know I am going to have to work harder to keep myself the way I am. Once you cross that threshold your metabolism slows and will continue to slow unless you take preventive measures. Mom doesn't understand this. She just thinks I'm dieting and obsessed with my weight. She tells me constantly that I'm too skinny. This coming from the woman who weighed 90lbs while she was pregnant with me!
We talked a little more and Mom suggested that I might just have some hormones that are out of whack. I normally have out of whack hormones. This is nothing new. Once a month, I'm a basket case. That's just how it is and how it always has been. After acknowledging that yes, this is similar, yet vastly different, Mom suggested that I go to the lady doctor and have them do some sort of hormone panel. She told me that she had gone as she was becoming pre-menopausal and they were able to identify which hormone she was low on which was causing her symptoms. Horrified, I asked if she thought I might be getting ready to go through menopause. She said she thought it was quite a bit early, but stranger things had happened. Now, I don't really think I am getting ready to go through menopause, but one can always hope.
This morning, I decided to do some research on mood swings and exercise. I'm not taking steroids, so I could rule out Roid Rage. Everything I found suggested that I am supposed to be high on those lovely endorphines my pituitary glad is releasing during my fitness routine.
Finding nothing indicating that the exercise would be adversely affecting my mood, I began a search into changes in diet and mood swings. Mom had also suggested that since I was eating better, I might be going through some sort of withdrawal. I explained that I wasn't having any headaches or flu-like symptoms and dismissed the suggestion. Oh, my smart Momma!
Typing in the key words "change in diet crazy mood swings" I came across an article on WiseGeek on the symptoms of sugar withdrawal. Bingo! I hadn't even considered it, because cutting out excess and processed sugars was not a conscious decision on my part. Upon reading the article, I went back through my food diary, and what do you know? I have eliminated about 75% of the added and processed sugars from my diet! Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
The article says, "In the psychological sense, sugar withdrawal can be a very real and painful process, replete with cravings, anxiety or depression, and a general sense of loss when the addictive substance is not used." Well, yeah. That's exactly what I'm going through! I just didn't realize it was withdrawal because the symptoms aren't like when you're going through caffeine withdrawal. These symptoms are sneaky like a ninja and strike when you least expect it.
While I am celebrating the fact that I'm not headed toward life in a mental ward, you can read the article, "What are Symptoms of Sugar Withdrawal?"
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Fitness Rage?!
I was under the impression that exercise and eating properly was supposed to put you in a better mindset. I thought exercise released endorphins that helped relieve stress and gave you a sense of euphoria.
Why, then, am I so angry all the time? I am completely, uncharacteristically full of rage. It's been persistent for the last four days, at least.
I don't even feel a sense of accomplishment that I've made it a week without skipping a workout. I haven't stepped outside the parameters of my Not a Diet, either! I even ate piece of carrot cake on Friday and a piece of pumpkin pie today, while still meeting the expectations of my nutrition plan. That should make me happy, right?!
I feel like a total basketcase. What the frell is wrong with me?
Thursday, January 5, 2012
This looks pretty on paper, but will take far more effort than anything else I've ever had to do in my life. I have to eliminate bad spending and eating habits - habits that I've spent years building - and create new ones in their place. I am horrible about not following through with things I start, so this is my effort to hold myself accountable.