Friday, January 13, 2012

Your Shape: Fitness De-evolved

Aaaaannnnnd I'm officially done with Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012.  I simply do not like the way it picks and chooses how it wants to read my body movements.  It is beyond frustrating when I am doing exactly what my "coach" is doing, but I'm still making no progress.

I was correct in my original assumption that there are no tutorials.   I thought, "Surely, surely there is a tutorial hidden away somewhere, and I'm just not looking in the right spot."  Nope.  I looked up several reviews of the game today and that seemed to be a common complaint.  Why, why, why if you have a game that is dependent on the accuracy of a person's movement and completion of specific exercises would you not have a tutorial section for each workout?!  Not every person out there is going to just be able to see a move the couple of times the "coach" does it during the three second countdown and be able to perform the moves effectively.  Some of these exercises could really hurt you if you're not executing them properly.  

Another thing that bothers me is this:  If half of the content has you facing away from the screen to perform the exercises, perhaps you need to have a graphic at the top of the screen that shows what the move is supposed to look like, but keep the person facing the screen.  Or, oh, I don't know...SHOW THE PERSON WHAT THE HECK THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING BEFORE YOU THROW THEM TO THE WOLVES!!!!

And what is with the attitude I get when I walk away to get a glass of water?  I kid you not, the chick says, "Hey!  Where do you think you're going?"  When I've just completed a portion of a workout that I was under-graded for because your system's interface can't  read my body effectively, the last thing I want is sass from some snarky AI.

This could be a really great game once they get the interface figured out, but until then, I'm not going to bother with it anymore.  Unfortunately, it will be going back to GameStop this weekend.

Lesson learned:  Read reviews before investing in a game that might make you want to put a hand weight through your TV.

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