Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Eating organic...

In the past decade, we've been hearing how wonderful it is to eat organic foods.  We hear talk of pesticides and other chemicals that pollute our bodies.  We hear about growth hormones that affect our own hormones and throw the thyroid off kilter.  We hear all of these things, but we ignore it because organic produce is more expensive.  In fact, any produce is more expensive than the quick, prepackaged processed crap we can find at Walmart.

I've been eating mostly organic produce for a little over a year now, and I can definitely tell when I'm eating organic produce vs non-organic.  I love bell peppers.  I will eat a whole red bell pepper over the course of a day.  I went with my mom to Sam's a couple of weeks ago and bought a bag of six Dole bell peppers (red, orange and yellow).  I sliced them up to bring to work with me, and when I bit into them, I noticed a slight chemical taste.  Not only that, but they lacked the overall flavor of the peppers I usually eat.  Being used to the unhindered sweetness of the organic bell peppers I get from Wholefoods, I was slightly disappointed.  In the end, I threw away the remaining three peppers, because they were just blah.

Why go organic?  It's not just a earth loving, tree hugging hippie thing.  I just like the way I feel when I am eating organic.  I have more energy, my mind is clearer and more focused, and I tire less easily.  

If you are considering going organic, here are some articles to help you get started:


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