Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Zumba Fever!

My roommate has jumped on the Zumba bandwagon!  I was going to say that I couldn't express in words how excited I am, but I am one of the most verbose people I know, so that would be a lie.  My glee stems from the fact that I finally have a fitness partner.  I'm one of those people who needs outside motivation, and having a person spazzing and flailing beside me makes the experience so much more enjoyable.

He's been such a trooper!  He's been doing Zumba for all of four days, but he is right there beside me during my mid-length class (11 songs).  And for someone who doesn't have my background in dance, he is holding his own!  

So, why all the fuss about Zumba?  For me, it's fun.  The sets are dynamic enough to keep me interested.  While I may swear at various instructors because they do complicated moves unavailable in tutorial mode, I can hold my own quite well.  If an activity can't keep me engaged, I'm not going to do it.  With Zumba: Rush for Xbox Kinect, you don't really have any idea what songs are in the classes you pick, because there is no set list.      

Zumba articles: - This is a great testimonial!

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