Thursday, May 23, 2013


Despite this gray, dreary day, I find myself in lovely mood (if not a little sleepy).  I love the way I feel right now.  For one thing, my mood swings have been greatly reduced.  I still get a little crabby and cranky occasionally, but not as frequently and certainly not as severely.  It makes me feel like I'm not entirely batshit crazy.  I'm finally in a good place physically and mentally, and it is such a relief.  When I look in the mirror, I'm able to look past the cellulite and see the changes I'm making for the good.  I'm not focused on what used to be so much as I'm focused on creating a stronger me.    

Thanks to a metric shit-ton of squats, goblet squats, barbell squats, dumbbell squats, and wall sits, I'm seeing definition in my thighs for the first time in years.  I've also lost an inch in my legs!  I was horrified when I put on my festival boots, and they did not fit.  I'm going to try them on again this weekend in hopes that they lace up without any gaps.

And pull-ups!  I'm so very close to being able to do a full pull-up!  My head almost reaches the top of the bar!!!  My upper body strength is finally getting there.  In aerial class, I'm able to stay in the air long enough to get my foot locks or double dance wraps.

I'm gonna go ahead and blame my dear friend Whit for keeping me competitive and motivated.  Since she introduced me to Fitocracy, I've not had a problem making myself workout.  I'm looking forward to my daily workout sessions.  

Some who shares the blame for this new me is my aerial instructor, Maria.  She's fatastically supportive.  She's had more faith in me than I've had in myself, but has allowed me to go at my own pace.  I owe her so much for allowing me to live my dream and coaching me through it every step of the way.  

Monday, May 20, 2013


I'm feeling really good this week.  I'm seeing definition in my arms that I've never seen before and definition in my abs that I haven't seen in a long time.  

I had some minor setbacks this week, due to a strained gluteal muscle; but now I'm back in the game!

In last week's aerial class, I performed a Georgia Twist into the beginning of the Cross Back Straddle.  I really have no way to describe this move other than twisty, bendy and more than a little painful.  It's been so humid that the silks were sticking my calves and shins rather than move down to my ankles like they are supposed to.  This led to me being stuck in an awkwardly painful mermaid position for a bit until I figured out how to get into the starting position for CBS.  Oy.  

I remember thinking as I was hanging in the air, doing my Double Dance Wrap for Marionette, that I've come so far in my upper body strength.  I can do moves now that I only drooled over when I was first beginning.  That said, I've still got a ways to go.  I've only been able to do the CBS once, so I'm taking measures to further strengthen my core.  There will be copious amounts of crunches, pilates, and yoga...And an insane inversion move that my instructed tortured me with last night (but I love her for it).


So, I'm not a super-amazing-fantastically-wonderful-aerial-artist yet.  BUT!  I'm getting closer every day.  I'm going to keep doing my bastardized pull-ups, and my ab exercises, and lifting weights, and I'll get there.  I've come a long way in just four months, and I'm pretty damn proud of myself.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Staying motivated...

I've always found it difficult to stay motivated when I start a health and fitness routine.  This time, I seem to be having better luck at it than in the past.  Since I've started aerial, a long-time dream of mine, I've have a tangible goal to work toward.  

I know I need to increase my upper body strength substantially, so I've set a goal to be able to do an unassisted pull-up.  I'm reaching my goal faster than expected since I've been doing my bastardized pull-ups (standing on a chair and lowering myself to the ground as slowly as possible).  I started with one set of 8 reps and am currently able to do four sets of 8.  I also discovered this week that I am able to pull myself halfway up instead of just dangling there like a worm on a hook.  

Fitocracy is helping me stay motivated, because I have an entire community of people holding me accountable.  Every time I get a notification that someone has given me props, it makes it that much easier for me to do the next workout.  The point system certainly doesn't hurt.  I'm constantly striving to reach that next level.  

I've even been able to get off the plateau I'd been stuck on, and I'm closer to losing the last few pounds to get back to where I was before I gained 30 magical pounds this winter.  

AND!  I can see definition in my abs again!  I feel great about that.  I need to check my measurements, because I'm curious to see if I'm any closer to being able to wear my hugely expensive Ren Fest boots.  

I feel good, I have more energy, and I love what I see when I look in the mirror.  It's a great feeling.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Love my legs...

I've been concentrating mostly on my upper body as I've been getting back into shape, because have better arm, chest and back strength is a huge benefit in aerial class.  Now that my arms are shaping up, I'm ready to start incorporating other body parts.

It's been a long time since I've "loved" my legs.  Unfortunately, I carry all my weight in my lower body.  I'm very short, so it doesn't take much extra weight to make my lower body look dumpy.  I was okay with it until I put on my thigh high pirate boots, and they wouldn't lace.  That just won't do.  These boots were expensive and are one of my prized possessions, so it's time to start working the lower body as well.

I'm going to start biking to Midsummer rehearsals and to aerial class once I get new tubes for my bike.  But, I'm also going to do some sculpting exercises.  I found this routine on Pinterest last year before Ren Fest, and I love it.

There is really no down side to these exercises.  They work your core, glutes, and legs, and you will definitely feel it after just one circuit.  The routine is comprised of five ballet-inspired moves that really work your butt, core, and legs.  I'm going to add this back into my strength training and see what comes of it.

I addition, I have added wall sits to my routine.  I'm trying to do 8 one minute wall sits per day.  So far, I've not found any of the exercises to be limiting in any way.  In fact, I could probably add another couple circuits (if I have time).

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Out of the fog

It didn't take as long as I expected to recover from my weekend at the Renaissance Festival.  All it took was reaching my water goal, eating good, clean meals with a balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats and a good strength training session.  

I fell into bed after Midsummer rehearsal Monday night and slept through very well.  I woke up feeling like a rockstar!  My brain wasn't foggy, my motor skills were back, and I wasn't dreading trudging my way through an eight hour work day.  AND I lost 2.5 of the 4lbs I gained over the weekend! 

I decided to switch up my strength training, because I've noticed that I have these little bulgy bits near my armpits that make wearing tank tops and sleeveless bodices unsightly.  I've also been developing what I call a mini-muffin top.  As I was browsing the Fitness and Health section of Pinterest, I came across this workout that is supposed to work all the bits that regular moves miss.

I did one set of each move in addition to the 2 sets of modified pull-ups I've been doing.  Once I'm more comfortable with the routine and don't have to check back to see what move is next, I'll add another circuit, possibly a third.

This morning, I woke up and looked down at my mid-section and could see ab definition.  That was exciting as I've not had any ab definition in ages. 

I'm feeling good and can't wait to conquer my next hurdle, whatever that may be!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Skinny vs Strong

I read this blog post today, and it really made me think.  It's about body image and the desire to be strong vs the desire to be skinny.  It made me very sad to think that there were probably girls in my classes in high school and while I was teaching drama who felt the way Sophia did. No girl should ever have to feel that to be accepted, she needs to starve herself. The top priority should be health. If you are eating so little that you can't function properly, there is definitely a problem.  

I never really felt pressured to be skinny in high school. To be fair, I WAS skinny in high school. I was slender, but well muscled, because I was a dancer and a swimmer. I never felt remorse (and still don't feel it) over that cheeseburger or piece of cake. I've always had a healthy love of food.

My senior year, I weighed 79lbs, but it was a healthy 79lbs. Before you get indignant and scoff, you have to remember that I am tiny. I'm 4'10" tall, so 79lbs of muscle looked much better on me than 79lbs would on someone who is 5'3".

It's been only recently that I've begun to feel panic about my body. My muscle mass has decreased significantly, and I've gone soft everywhere. When I realized that I was almost 50lbs over what I was in high school, but that it was mostly fat, I was horrified. I still looked okay as long as I was fully clothed, but most of my muscle tone was buried under an increasingly thick layer of fluff and cellulite. And my blood pressure was sky high!

I didn't freak out. Okay, I freaked out a little, but I didn't go on a crazy binge diet. I've simply been eating cleaner and healthier while incorporating three strength training workouts into my schedule. If I have the time, I'll do a Zumba session on my off days.

Since January, I've dropped 20lbs and gained quite a bit of muscle tone in the process. I'm never going to be 79lbs again, and I'm fine with that. I like finally having boobs, frankly. But my body was getting away from me, and it was time to get it reigned in.  That being said, I still have some work to do.  I'm trying to think more in terms of inches than pounds at this point.  I'm building more muscle, so I may not drop any additional weight.  In fact, I may gain a little, and that's just fine.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The effects of Renaissance festivals on the urban pixie...

This weekend marked the opening of the local Renaissance festival that I've been part of in some capacity for 14 of its 18 years.  It was great to see old friend and make new ones, but it was rough.  I was unkind to myself this weekend and am currently paying for it this morning.  It's going to take me the week to recuperate, and then I get to do it all again.

I definitely need to remember to pack lunches, because no matter how much I love festival food (especially from the new pastie/baked potato vendor), it does not love me.  There tends to be too much sodium, which makes me puff up like mini Staypufft marshmallow man.

In addition, I left my mug at home, so I didn't drink nearly as much water as I should have, which also add to water retention; and I definitely didn't sleep enough which also adds water weight.

The miserable 40-50 degree rainy weather didn't help, either, as cooler temperatures slow down your metabolism and digestive system.

I also ate a meal from Long John Silvers last night, which I know is highly reactive for me.  It was tasty, but I not only did I puff up, it's also made me dumb and lethargic.  I slept a solid 8 hours last night, so there's really no reason for me to be so exhausted.  I'm sleepy, clumsy and can't think clearly.  It feels like I'm moving through molasses.

I'm constantly amazed by the effect that different foods can have on a person.  So, as I sit here typing, eating my bowl of cherries and flaxseed, I have made myself a promise to be good to my body for the rest of the festival.  Not only do I have intense weekends, but I also have rehearsal every night until Midsummer opens. I won't have the energy to make it through aerial classes and 3.5 hour rehearsals if I'm not taking care of myself.  If I continue as I did this weekend, I will crash hard and make myself sick.

So, wish me luck, my friends.  I will need it to make it through this week.