Friday, April 19, 2013

Conquering the Crossback Straddle

Last night's aerial class was extremely gratifying.  After three months of aerial class, I have finally conquered the Crossback Straddle.  Combine that with performing Double Dance Wraps in the air successfully on the first attempt and performing the Marionette for the first time, and you had one happy pixie.

Combine that with dropping 6 of the 15 pounds I have left to shed, and I'm feeling pretty spectacular.  (Granted, after last night, I feel more than a little like someone beat me with a stick, but that will pass!)  My body is getting stronger, I'm getting leaner, my belly is flattening out, and I'm having a grand ol' time.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Mountain Climbers made easy?!

I've been trolling (as usual) and came across a core strengthening article.   In this article, there is what appears to be an amazing (to me) invention.  It's the Valslide.  I know it sounds ridiculous, and it sounds even more ridiculous when you know what it is, but I've seen how easy it makes Mountain Climbers (my fitness nemesis)!  And I want it!!!

Any person who has tried Mountain Climbers knows how difficult they are.  It is one of the most awkward fitness moves I've ever seen, and they are physically exhausting.  Humans just aren't meant to move that way!...Says the girl who spends a good deal of time upside down these days.

Seriously, folks.  Check out Coach Dos's video demonstrating a Mountain Climber variation using the Valslide pads:

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pull-ups: A Pixie's Perspective

Pull-ups.  Oy.  Just the thought of me trying to do a pull-up makes me laugh hysterically.  I've tried.  There's no way.  I just wriggle about like a fish on a  hook.  

I made a Facebook post about not being able to do a pull-up, and my aerial instructor responded that it took her a year to be able to do her first pull-up.  o.O  A year!  This actually makes sense, because most women find their strength in their legs - especially dancers.  I knew immediately that aerial would be a challenge, because most of the climbs (except for the Taco Climb...gotta love the Taco Climb!) depend on your upper body to do most of the work for you; and I had little to no upper body strength when I started.

My instructor did, in her infinite wisdom, impart to me that starting by jumping up and lowering myself as slowly as possible would utilize the same muscles thus making those muscles stronger.  Good to know!

So, I tried it.  I'm glad I was alone in the house when I did, because I'm sure I looked ridiculous.  I'm 4'10", so I couldn't exactly jump up and reach the pull-up bar.  I had to use a chair.  So, I got in the chair, pulled myself up into the top of a pull-up and slowly lowered myself to the ground, climbed back into the chair and did it all over again.  I was only able to do 8 reps before the muscles in my forearms screamed at me to stop.    

I'm convinced I need to be doing more of these, because my trapezius, deltoids and scapular muscles were sore the next morning.  In fact, they're still sore two days latern (despite my foray into active recovery techniques), which could be a problem since I have aerial class tonight.  My plan is to incorporate these bastardized pull-ups into my routine three days a week so I can get to work building those muscles that will most certainly help with my foray into the aerial arts.

I hope this helps someone out there who is just as hopeless at pull-ups as I am.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What is "Active Recovery"?

Aerial class is working a completely new set of muscles for me.  In the past, my strength has been in my legs.  So, naturally, my aerial classes have left me a bit (read, extremely) sore the next day and even more stiff and sore 48 hours after.

In researching how to prevent this soreness, I kept seeing the term "active recovery".  The first question I had was "What is active recovery?"  Active recovery refers to a low-intensity method of exercise done either immediately after or the day after an intense intense workout.

Unfortunately, I don't have time after my aerial class to do any low-intensity cardio, because I'm getting in my truck right after class and sitting for 10 minutes on the drive home.  At that point, a low-intensity workout becomes pointless as my muscles are no longer warm.  

So, it looks like I'm stuck with option number two, which will be a low-intensity cardio routine the day after aerial (or any of my other conditioning sessions).  It's not ideal, but perhaps it will help with the lingering soreness on day 2 after a workout.  It's certainly worth a try.

The following article mentions Self -Myofascial release (SMR), which is a method of self massage using foam rollers or tennis balls.  I use tennis balls and have found that massaging my forearms after an aerial class helps release the muscles.  I have been doing this for the last two weeks, and as a result, my forearms haven't been sore at all.   

I hope this helps those of you who may be experiencing the same problems I am.

Monday, April 8, 2013

The fitness roller coaster

I'm so good about being fit and healthy...for a few months at a time.  Then, a switch flips and I sabotage myself.  At the moment, I have several things working against me:

1.)  The scale I was using was out of balance.  WAY out of balance.  So, while I thought I had only gained 20lbs, I had really packed on 30lbs.  Oy.

I really just feel horrible physically right now.  It was fine when I was just 10lbs over my targeted weight.  I could deal with that.  I still felt good, and I was okay with how I looked.  At this point, I'm not okay anymore.  I don't like the way I feel, and I don't like the way I look...Except that I actually have boobs now.  That's always a plus.  But the boobs don't make everything magically better.  I still feel like crap, and I don't really like what I see when I look in the mirror anymore.

2.)  My blood pressure is getting high.  I can feel it every time I workout, creeping up, making my face red.  I've been reading up on it.  Apparently, a 30lb weight gain will do that to you.  I've lost 10 of those pesky 30lbs.  Now, I just need to lose the other 20lbs, and I will be golden.

Sodium intake, of course, also affects blood pressure, and I'm pretty sure I'm having way too much.  For the past three days, I've woken up with swollen feet and fingers.  I'm drinking enough water, but I'm retaining water like a sonofabitch.  It's not pleasant, and it has to stop.

Things have to change, and I have to make those changes now.  I really need to get myself in order.  I don't want to have a heart attack at thirty-one years old.      

3.)  I've been taking aerial for a little over two months now.  I love it, and I'm getting stronger every week.  I can feel it.  I'm just not where I want to be.  So, I'm going to have to kick it up.  The frustrating thing is that I am so sore after one full aerial class that I'm afraid to do anything the next day.  I'm going to look into active recovery and see if I can find a routine that works for me.  I want to maximize my strength building without over-exercising, which is just a glorified form of anorexia - one that is rampant today.

4.)  There is a Whataburger down the street from my house.  I love bacon cheeseburgers.  While they are not reactive for me, I really need to not have it more than once a week or once every two weeks.  It's so difficult.  It's just right there, beckoning to me.  "Libasaurus, come to me.  Partake of my bacon-y, cheesy goodness!"  Oy.

5.)  There is something in bloom right now that is making me puff up like...something that puffs up.  Saturday morning, my eyes were so swollen I could barely keep them open.  I'm also randomly breaking out into hives.  Yay!

6.)  I don't have anyone to hold me accountable for my own health.  My aerial instructor holds me accountable one day a week.  I feel like I'm letting her down if I miss a class, and I'm constantly driven to push myself because she believes in me that much.  I just need that the other six days of the week.  I really do need a fitness buddy.  Or a drill sergeant.  Or Nick Fury.

Argh!  I am so miserable!!!!!!!!