I made a pact with myself that I would blog once a day during this whole I'm-going-to-revamp-my-life-for-the-thousandth-time...thing. When you are going through a lifestyle change, journaling is supposed to help you stick with it. I don't one top to blog at length about, so I thought I would blog about some observations I've made in the last couple of days.
1.) Coconut milk and chia seeds make for a morning smoothie powerhouse! This morning for breakfast, I had a fruit smoothie with coconut milk, pineapple, raspberries and wild blueberries. I tossed in two teaspoons of chia seeds into the blender, and voila! Tasty, filling breakfast. It kept me going right up until lunch time. In the past, smoothies haven't quite got me through to lunch, but this one certainly did. I'm a little sad that The Plan says Greek yogurt can be highly reactive, but with the discovery of coconut milk, I think I'll be fine.
2.) Ritz whole wheat crackers are the devil. I desperately wanted something to go with my turkey at lunch today, so I grabbed a handful of Ritz whole wheat crackers from the break room at work. Such a bad plan! I had turkey on its own yesterday and had no reaction. Today, I had five Ritz cracker with it and BAM!--heartburn.
3.) Fast food pizza sucks. Since I'm broke (But hey! At least I'm paying off my debts!), I've been scraping together meals of frozen leftovers. Last night was leftover pizza from a fast food chain. Bleh. It just wasn't good. Not to mention the digestive issues it caused. I'll be sticking with Andolini's and staying away from the other crap.
4.) The Lyn-Genet crew is amazing! They answer your questions in a timely and encouraging manner. I know this because I asked via their Facebook page about hydration and why I am always thirsty. My question was answered in less than five minutes. They suggested a humidifier. I have my baby humidifier but they suggested getting a larger one for my room. I'll be testing that theory, because I just feel so dry!
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