I'm a Diet Dr. Pepper junkie. I love the stuff. However, I'm reading everywhere that says the sweeteners in my favorite diet soda could be making my hormones wonky. It could also be mutating my DNA and raising my insulin levels just as much as regular Dr. Pepper would. The artificial sweeteners could also be contributing to the massive migraines I've been experience on a regular basis.
The Plan discourages drinking any soda, because you're pumping chemicals into your body. So, I've made a conscious effort not to drink my beloved DDP this week. I've cut soda out of my life before, so I was fully expecting the misery of a pounding headache. However, I have been pleasantly surprised. The few headaches I've had have been manageable.
I also feel more clearheaded than I have in a while. In addition, the desire to crawl into bed and hide from the world in less prevalent. I've even been in a decent mood the last couple of days. In fact, yesterday I was laughing and joking and being silly. I can't remember the last time that happened without some sort of bite or sarcasm behind it.
It's not going to be easy, and I will probably cave a couple of times, but I'm hoping the radical difference in mood and disposition will be enough to motivate me to stick to my guns about this. Wish me luck.
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