Friday, May 27, 2016

Not out of the woods, yet...

In the grand old fashion of counting my chickens before they've hatched, I assumed that if I were suffering from anything too serious, I would probably be dead already.  Unfortunately, I may have been wrong.

I had another appointment with Dr. K for my Well Woman visit.  While I was there, we discussed the results of my ultrasound.  She said my uterus, for the most part looked normal, with the exception of a thickened lining.  Knowing this, she decided to go ahead and get an endometrial biopsy.
While the uterus looked okay (just okay, not great), my ovaries were a different story.  On the left, I have a 3cm cyst that is completely normal.  On the right, I have 3.4cm abnormal growth.  It could be a benign hemorrhagic cyst, meaning it's full of blood.  Or, it could be malignant.  Dr. K has ordered a CA-125 to check for ovarian cancer, and I should have the results Tuesday.

Dr. K thinks it's just a hemorrhagic cyst, but with my family history of ovarian cancer, we have to be sure.  Since a cloae family member had ovarian cancer, she says there is a very real possibility that it could be malignant, and I need to be prepared for the possibility that the ovary will need to be removed.  

She also believes I am in premature ovarian failure, and that I have been for quite sometime. This means I'm not producing enough estrogen.  She wants to understand why my hormones are so low and why I am barely producing any testosterone or luteinizing hormon, which is why she has referred me to an endocrinologist. Unfortunately, there are no endocrinologists in this godforsaken state that are taking patients before November 1st, so we won't be able to figure that out anytime in the near future.

But hey!  In six weeks, I get to have another trans-vaginal ultrasound.  You know...because that last one wasn't traumatizing enough.  I'm really getting tired of people poking around in my lady parts.  I just want this to be over with.  Everything hurts.  It feels like someone has taking a lemon zester to my insides.  I'm tired and sore, and if we're being honest, I just wish my lady parts would fall off, and I could be just blank.  Like a Barbie doll.  When Dr. K offers the option to charbroil my uterus.  I am going to say, "Fire cannot harm a dragon," and sign the paperwork in the blood of my enemies.

I'll post again when I get the results of the biopsy and the CA-125.


  1. All my good thoughts, juju, prayers are for you. If you need me, I'm you!


    1. Thank you, love. I need all the good juju I can get :) I love you, too!!!
