I read this blog post today, and it really made me think. It's about body image and the desire to be strong vs the desire to be skinny. It made me very sad to think that there were probably girls in my classes in high school and while I was teaching drama who felt the way Sophia did. No girl should ever have to feel that to be accepted, she needs to starve herself. The top priority should be health. If you are eating so little that you can't function properly, there is definitely a problem.
I never really felt pressured to be skinny in high school. To be fair, I WAS skinny in high school. I was slender, but well muscled, because I was a dancer and a swimmer. I never felt remorse (and still don't feel it) over that cheeseburger or piece of cake. I've always had a healthy love of food.
My senior year, I weighed 79lbs, but it was a healthy 79lbs. Before you get indignant and scoff, you have to remember that I am tiny. I'm 4'10" tall, so 79lbs of muscle looked much better on me than 79lbs would on someone who is 5'3".
It's been only recently that I've begun to feel panic about my body. My muscle mass has decreased significantly, and I've gone soft everywhere. When I realized that I was almost 50lbs over what I was in high school, but that it was mostly fat, I was horrified. I still looked okay as long as I was fully clothed, but most of my muscle tone was buried under an increasingly thick layer of fluff and cellulite. And my blood pressure was sky high!
I didn't freak out. Okay, I freaked out a little, but I didn't go on a crazy binge diet. I've simply been eating cleaner and healthier while incorporating three strength training workouts into my schedule. If I have the time, I'll do a Zumba session on my off days.
Since January, I've dropped 20lbs and gained quite a bit of muscle tone in the process. I'm never going to be 79lbs again, and I'm fine with that. I like finally having boobs, frankly. But my body was getting away from me, and it was time to get it reigned in. That being said, I still have some work to do. I'm trying to think more in terms of inches than pounds at this point. I'm building more muscle, so I may not drop any additional weight. In fact, I may gain a little, and that's just fine.
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