Thanks to a metric shit-ton of squats, goblet squats, barbell squats, dumbbell squats, and wall sits, I'm seeing definition in my thighs for the first time in years. I've also lost an inch in my legs! I was horrified when I put on my festival boots, and they did not fit. I'm going to try them on again this weekend in hopes that they lace up without any gaps.
And pull-ups! I'm so very close to being able to do a full pull-up! My head almost reaches the top of the bar!!! My upper body strength is finally getting there. In aerial class, I'm able to stay in the air long enough to get my foot locks or double dance wraps.
I'm gonna go ahead and blame my dear friend Whit for keeping me competitive and motivated. Since she introduced me to Fitocracy, I've not had a problem making myself workout. I'm looking forward to my daily workout sessions.
Some who shares the blame for this new me is my aerial instructor, Maria. She's fatastically supportive. She's had more faith in me than I've had in myself, but has allowed me to go at my own pace. I owe her so much for allowing me to live my dream and coaching me through it every step of the way.