Dr. K called on my way home from work last night. The good news is that it isn't cancer...yet. She said the levels (of whatever it is they're looking for) in my CA-125 were elevated, but not enough to be concerning right now, though we will have to keep monitoring it.
So, yay, no ovarian cancer, but I'm not entirely out of the woods. My endometrial biopsy (uterine lining) came back with irregularities indicating that I have polyps, but there is no indication of cancer. She is recommending a D&C, where they basically go in and scrape at my insides like one might the inside of a pumpkin. Unfortunately, no one has suggested just scooping everything out. I would honestly prefer that at this point.
I had dinner with a friend last night who has had a D&C, and she said once it was done, she felt so much better. So, at least I have that to look forward to. Because this being tired and nauseous all the time? I'm. over. it.
Dr. K spoke previously of an endometrial ablation, which would greatly lower my chances of babies...assuming we ever get to the bottom of why I'm not producing baby making hormones at all. I'm really okay with that. If they can just eliminate any reason anyone would need to be in my lady parts from here on out, I'll be copacetic.
I am feeling better physically. My stomach and uterus are still at odds with each other, which Dr. K said can happen. Something about smooth muscle and everything being irritated and swollen and pressing against everything else. I can't really remember. We talked about several things that took precedence. The bloating and pain is down by half, though, and I no longer look pregnant. Now, I just have a little pudge. I even lost half a pound! Woo!
Uterine Polyps (Mayo Clinic)
Uterine Polyps (Women's Health Concern)
D&C (Mayo Clinic)
Endometrial Ablation (Web MD)
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