Thursday, August 8, 2013

Long time no post...

So...I haven't posted in a while, but that doesn't mean I have been slacking off!  I've actually been keeping with my workouts and staying motivated.

Since I've started this process, I've lost 2" in my bum, thighs and hips.  I've got some stubborn belly fat that doesn't seem to want to get with the program.  Granted, I'm not being as diligent about what I eat as I was, so I'm sure that's part of the problem.

Surprisingly, the cellulite in my thighs and butt is getting the hint and slowly vacating the premises.  Woot!  All in all, I'm pleased with the progress I'm making.  My arms look great, and I don't hate my legs.  I've got some impressive little biceps and quads forming!

I'm still lifting, and loving it.  I'm up to 27.5lbs on my barbell, and I'm planning to increase another 5lbs next week.  Since I've incorporated the barbell and started doing deadlifts, My hamstrings have become more flexible.  There is a lengthening of all the muscles in my legs, and I'm finding them more aesthetically pleasing.  They're by no means perfect, but I don't hate them.

We haven't had aerial class since the end of June, so my upper body strength is decreasing.  I'm going to try to increase the number of pull-ups I'm doing in an effort to keep my strength up.  For when class starts in September.    

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